We love our volunteers!
Your donations help thousands of local adults and children. On their behalf we thank you.
DONATIONS OF FOOD are accepted at our Main office at
213 W. Center Street, Meadville
Monday through Friday 8am – 4:00pm
Or at any of our agency Food Pantries during distribution times.
Please see our list of agency pantries and hours here.
Please note the office is closed for lunch from noon – 12:30 pm.
CLOTHING AND OTHER DONATIONS are accepted at our Main office at
213 W. Center Street, Meadville
Monday through Friday 8am – 4:00pm
Or at exclusively at our Thrift Store until 4:30 pm.
Please contact us with any questions.
Monetary Donations
Through your donation you are helping provide food, clothing and housing for thousands of local adults and children. On their behalf, we thank you. If you wish your donation to benefit a certain program please let us know.
Mailing address:
Center for Family Services, Inc.
213 W. Center Street, Meadville
Support The Center for Family Services by donating – it’s easy!